They just got their first order from a lady that was very attached to her dog since it once saved her life. She gave the company some ear tissue about 18 months before the animal died and from this tissue they extracted cells. They inserted these cells into ova, and planted these into eight surrogate mothers. And so far they have had a success rate of getting 1 out of 4 surrogate mothers producing puppies.
The scientists argue that there is a big market for this, especially for customers from Western countries which are very attached to their pets. Furthermore, they hope that the price decreases, once this becomes a more regular business. At the moment, one of their leading scientist, Mr. Hwang, is on trail charged with fake research and embezzlement, based upon his cloning of human stem cells
Would you pay this man 150 000 US$ for cloning your dog?
Student ID: 41344770
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