Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Can your best friend help cure cancer?? Mine can…

Cancer is one of the biggest killers of humans and we are beginning to see the same trend in dogs. Their role as mans’ best friend and their assimilation into our lives has brought about the development of many identical diseases in dogs as those in man. It has not been until now, however, that we’ve discovered actual genetic links between the species suggesting we share the same innate predispositions to certain cancers. Researchers at a North Carolina University have found certain mutations within cells of blood cancers that are almost identical to those found in the corresponding human cancer cells. So it seems that although the two species began to diverge from each other over 50 million years ago we have retained the same cytogenic abnormalities that produce certain cancers.

Since the breakthrough in sequencing the dog genome we have been able to quantify the genetic similarities between man and his best friend and it seems now that our furry companions may indeed be able to assist in our endeavours to better understand and treat cancer. Scientists have also suggested that cancer treatments may be interchangeable between man and dog. Research using dogs may be more desirable using current technology and if we can better understand cancer in dogs maybe we can apply these principles to human cancers. If this is possible cancer research may be about to enter a new era, one in which a cure for cancer may well be a reality.

Geraldine Sykes

Primary Sources:

'Genetic Cancer Link Between Humans And Dogs Discovered'

Breen, M. & Modian, J., 2008, ‘Evolutionarily conserved cytogenic changes in haematological malignancies of dogs and humans – man and his best friend share more than companionship’, Chromosome Research, vol. 16, pp. 145-154.

Secondary sources:
'Cancer Cures Could Work For Canines And Humans'

Rezendes, A, 2007, ‘Fighting cancer in dogs, Morris Animal Foundation leads campaign to find cures,’ Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 230/9, pp. 1287-1288

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