Beagle Chondrodystrophy, commonly referred to as 'the funnies’, or chondroplasia, is a type of dwarfism caused by abnormal growth in the leg bones and vertebrae of Beagles. It is brought about by a disturbance in the development of cartilage, which stops it from being converted to bone. Affected Beagles may display a number of problems, which can range from mild to severe, including small and disproportionate body size, deformed legs, a broadened/flat skull and a shortened neck. Severe signs are associated with extreme pain and discomfort, resulting in the necessary implementation of euthanasia of these animals.
To date, there is little to no concrete evidence on the disorder, and more than 1000 DNA markers have been analysed, in well over 100 dogs, in order to try and map the causative gene. Current studies suggest the location of the mutation that causes chondrodystrophy, has been narrowed to a mere 30 genes in the same region on chromosome 6. This is a significant break through which promises to significantly advance findings and hopefully identify the genetic marker. Until the study is completed, or other findings have been confirmed, breeders with affected beagles are strongly advised not to breed, to ensure the disorder is not passed on, as the mode of inheritance is ‘thought’ to be autosomal recessive.
Chondrodystrophy has been well researched in Alaskan Malamutes, but without researching the disorder specifically in beagles, one cannot presume that mutations will be detected on the same chromosome.
Despite laughter being the ‘best medicine’, it is apparent we need to stop laughing and find a cure for this ‘funny’ disorder.
Written by: Felicity Hill
Primary References:
1: http://www.geocities.com/aladarbeagles/dwarf.html
2: http://www.geocities.com/aladarbeagles/beaglegeneticssummary.pdf
Secondary References:
1: http://www.doghealthtip.com/2007/08/28/common-beagle-dog-health-problems
2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chondrodystrophy
Further Information on Beagle Chondrodystrophy:
1: http://www.vgl.ucdavis.edu/cghg/projects.php
2: http://www.cwbeagles.com/BeagleBugler/Feb07/Feb07-1.htm
3: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jvms/70/1/37/_pdf
To date, there is little to no concrete evidence on the disorder, and more than 1000 DNA markers have been analysed, in well over 100 dogs, in order to try and map the causative gene. Current studies suggest the location of the mutation that causes chondrodystrophy, has been narrowed to a mere 30 genes in the same region on chromosome 6. This is a significant break through which promises to significantly advance findings and hopefully identify the genetic marker. Until the study is completed, or other findings have been confirmed, breeders with affected beagles are strongly advised not to breed, to ensure the disorder is not passed on, as the mode of inheritance is ‘thought’ to be autosomal recessive.
Chondrodystrophy has been well researched in Alaskan Malamutes, but without researching the disorder specifically in beagles, one cannot presume that mutations will be detected on the same chromosome.
Despite laughter being the ‘best medicine’, it is apparent we need to stop laughing and find a cure for this ‘funny’ disorder.
Written by: Felicity Hill
Primary References:
1: http://www.geocities.com/aladarbeagles/dwarf.html
2: http://www.geocities.com/aladarbeagles/beaglegeneticssummary.pdf
Secondary References:
1: http://www.doghealthtip.com/2007/08/28/common-beagle-dog-health-problems
2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chondrodystrophy
Further Information on Beagle Chondrodystrophy:
1: http://www.vgl.ucdavis.edu/cghg/projects.php
2: http://www.cwbeagles.com/BeagleBugler/Feb07/Feb07-1.htm
3: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jvms/70/1/37/_pdf
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