(Quote from http://www.bestfriendsagain.com/index.html)

As only Snuppy remained, dog is the most difficult species of all to clone. The unique challenges are;
1) Poorly understood physiology: not enough data and research on the dog reproductive physiology that results a significant knowledge gap.
2) Immature ova: dog ovulates immature ova with 2-5 days completions of their maturation
3) Opaque ova: canine ova have thick permeation and black lipids that makes the opaque ova providing difficulty of assessing
4) Infrequent estrus: regular estrus cycle
5) Animal Welfare
Recently, Dr. Hwang was successfully accomplished on dog cloning again, which was the first clone of a family dog. Those are mixtures of Collie and Husky, and called Mira, Chingu and Sarang. They are genetic clone of Missy who was a beloved and exceptional family dog. Cloning dog may seem difficult however it provides hope to the families who pine for their old best friends.
Further information:
Best Friends Again: < http://www.bestfriendsagain.com/index.html>
BioArts International: < http://www.bioarts.com/>
Barron, J 2008, Biotech Company to Auction Chances to Clone a Dog, The New York Times, US, viewed 21 May 2008, available at: <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/21/us/21dog.html?r=1&scp=3&sq=hwang+woo+suk&st=nyt&oref=slogin>
BBC News 2005, S Korea unveils first dog clone, UK, viewed 24 May 2008, available at:
< http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4742453.stm>
Planet Ark 2006, Research Confirms Snuppy is World’s First Cloned Dog, UK, viewed 23 May 2008, available at: < http://www.planetark.com/dailynewsstory.cfm/newsid/35539/story.htm>
Website: Best Friends Again 2008, US, viewed 24 May 2008, available at:
< http://www.bestfriendsagain.com/index.html>
Wikipedia 2008, Hwang Woo-Suk, viewed 22 May 2008, available at:
Wikipedia 2008, Snuppy, viewed 24 May 2008, available at:
Jenny (Sung In) Ji
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