These days the line between wings and legs has been blurred with scientists genetically engineering chickens which are able to grow an extra leg in the place of a wing. Good news for drumstick lovers! Scientists have taken a gene usually only found in the chickens leg and applied it onto the wing of the developing chicken embryo stimulating the wing to lose its characteristics and take on the structure of the leg.
This new development has been made possible by the discovery of certain selectively expressed genes: Pitx1 and Tbx4 in legs, and Tbx5 in arms or wings. In this experiment a modified virus was used to carry the Pitx1 gene onto the developing chicken embryos wing. The Pitx1 switched on the activity of the other leg-specific gene, Tbx4. These genes were then able to convert the entire limb muscle structure into that of a drumstick, with a claw and four digits. The genetically altered limb also lacked feathers.
This intriguing discovery does have more uses though then just preventing dinner time fights over the last drumstick. The work has helped scientists to understand the development of legs and arms in humans so hopefully this will be able to be put to good use by preventing or correcting deformities of the limbs such as the mutation which causes Holt-Oram syndrome, which produces truncated forearms. And of course KFC will be happy.
By Kalia Rabbidge
student 41445855
Primary Reference:
BBC News, Wings become legs
Secondary Reference:
New Scientist, A Leg Up
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